As an "Action Grange", our Grange is a young one. Nonetheless, our
short history is well grounded in a long tradition of citizen activism in community locale, area culture, local government
and family neighborhood values.
All this is possible because we are hundreds of voluntary threads woven
together into the community life around us. While we form a strong and intricate part of this social, environmental and spiritual
fabric around us; we ask no personal recognition, ostentatious honor or material advantage in our community.
So in that sense, this area is a simple recognition to all the hundreds
of Grangers, who have freely given tens of thousands of voluntary hours of their free time toward the betterment of their
fellow humane beings and the community in which we all live.
While the number of awards in this area will
grow over the years, the many and numerous actions requiring dedication and energy not noted here will always be remembered
and appreciated here.