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Archived - BofS Lett To Ruth Coleman State Parks HQ In Support Of Multi Use
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Phonc (707) 464-7204

February 1, 2006


Board of Supervisors

981 "H" Sffeet, Suite 200 Crescent City, California 9553 l

Fax  (707) 464-1165


Ruth Coleman, Director

California State Parks

P.O. Box 942896

Sacramento, CA 94296-000I

Dear Ms. Coleman,

The Del Notre County Board of Supervisors, upon recommendation of our local County Fish and Game Advisory Commission, hereby requests that the California State Parks Department continue to allow ATV (all terrain vehicle) use on the beach at the end of Kellogg Road in Del Norte County.

Del Norte County residents and visitors to our area have for many years enjoyed the safe, constrained use of ATV's along the ocean between Kellogg Road and the mouth of the Smith River. Kellogg Beach is where ATV use can still occur as other beaches have been closed off to ATV and off-road use, primarily due to the creation of parks that accommodate pedestrians. State Park regulations not allowing ATV uses at this site were not anticipated by many residents of this county. Had the people known of such limitations on the beach, there would undoubtably have been greater resistance and iffput into the classification of this area as a State Park. Recognizing the history and diversity of off-highway vehicle users in our county, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Del Norte requests that State Parks take a proactive approach to alleviating the issues.

The Board of Supervisors strongly requests that State Parks form a broad-based local committee, including but not limited to the United States Forest Services, users and other agencies concerned with off-road vehicles access, to work together in lornminting a plan that would provide ATV and other OHV use on public lands in our area, including Kellogg Beach, Pacific Shores, Tolowa State Dunes Park and currently undesignated lands. The plan needs to address Native American traditional uses, fishing, recreation and access to the beach by the disabled population. We are also respectfully requesting that State Parks apply for "Green Sticker" funds for the aggressive enforcement efforts required to prevent the few renegades from wanton acts of vandalism and destruction. Signage is imperative in order that a clear message is conveyed to all users as to the permissible and disallowable uses of the area.

The Board of Supervisors urges you to allow ATV use on this section of beach up to the high tide line. We are well aware that management plans take years to develop and therefore are compelled to ask that you not prevent ATV access to and across Kellogg Beach during the development of the plan.

Thank you for taking this matter into serious consideration and we look forward to working with you.


Sarah Sampels, Chair

Del Norte County Board of Superviosrs

Cc: Marilyn Murphy, Superintendent Redwood State Parks Daphne Greene, Deputy Director

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