CLERK-RECORDER County of Del Norte
Occupation: Incumbent Education and Qualifications: I have been your County Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters/Public Administrator
for seven years. As premised I have taken this office into the 21 ~ century by putting in place a scanning system for the
official and vital records, created a functional program for fictitious business names and election data. In addition, we
now have the ability to scan the parcel and survey mans. This office can now search and print records directly from the computers;
produce CD's of official records, maps and election data for our customers. There is now in place a procedure to ensure Public
Administrator cases are closed efficiently and timely. I have established and maintained a productive working relationship
with all county offices and my staff always assists customers m a professional and helpful manner
I strive for excellence in this important and complex office and welcome tile opportunity to move forward with the projects
I am in the process of streamlining; this would allow easier customer access for available records
Your vote for my re-election will ensure this continued high-level of service and the modernization process,
I would be proud and honored to serve you another four years.
Thank you - remember 'every vote counts'.
s/Vicki Frazier